Managing Stress in the Orthopaedic Family: Avoiding Burnout, Achieving Resilience

Managing Stress in the Orthopaedic Family: Avoiding Burnout, Achieving Resilience. Published in the Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011;93:40.  doi:10.2106/JBJS.J.01252). Authors: M. Catherine Sargent, Wayne Sotile, Mary O. Sotile, Harry Rubash, Peter S. Vezeridis, Larry Harmon, and Robert L. Barrack. From the article: “Stress is a double-edged sword. When managed appropriately,......

Physicians & Pay-for-Professionalism

While healthcare has readily adopted Pay-for-Performance relating to technical skills, perhaps the time has come to embrace Pay-for-Professionalism for physicians. Should we admit that these non-technical skills matter enough for a new approach? If physician productivity is important enough to be incentivized, shouldn’t we do the same for professionalism? A wealth of research has shown a correlation......

Physician specialties with the most—and the least—burnout

From the 2013 Medscape survey on physician burnout, here is a sampling of the highest and lowest physician burnout rates by specialty:   Highest rate of physician burnout: Emergency medicine (51%) Critical care (50%) Family medicine (43%)   Lowest rate of physician burnout: Pathology (32%) Psychiatry (33%) (Tied) Ophthalmology (35%) Pediatrics (35%) Rheumatology (35%)  ...